Through our 'Special Touch of Services' at our Family and Community Enrichment Center we support children with special needs ages 0-3 years old and their families. We offer support and transitional guidance to the youth and have an array of services available for parents and guardians. We have a full lending library available and support where we can as their youth prepare for school. This program is funded by Merced Office of Education (MCOE).
MSF also offers spaces for inclusive programming for youth and adolescents to socialize and engage in a range of activities and outings. They will participate in arts/crafts, life skills, parent to parent support opportunities, game nights, outdoor activities & games, lending library, school visits, and training. Stay tuned to our MSF social media for calendar of events!
MSF is currently seeking additional funding and support to further assist youth with special needs and their families. If you are in need of these types of services or supports, please feel free to reach out to us at or via telephone at 209-966-2211.